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New Inverta

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New Inverta

Post29 Jul 2006, 12:39

After the original response to the introduction of this watch, i was wondering whether TC would comment on how sales were progressing, ie above/ below target and if the watches have started to be dispatched to customers.If they have been delivered, any comments from new owners. Despite initially stating that i thought the inverted readout was just a gimmick, i have, with hindsight , come to regret the statement. Maybe you need something out of the ordinary to grab peoples attention, i mean a set of machine guns and an ejector seat on an Aston Martin aren't that practical but thats why people remember the film. I think the overhype ruined it a bit for me but i certainly take my hat off to Dennis for having the balls to see through a project that i assume must be horrendously expensive and risky. I sincerely hope its a success

The Time Computer



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Re: New Inverta

Post29 Jul 2006, 17:20

Your comment on the inverted display is appreciated.

I assure you that it will be more useful than the biggest ?Gimmick? in the watch industry. I would have to ask, who out there uses the ?Chronograph? feature? Yes, a great symbol of craftsmanship in watch making but to me it has become the marketing icon of the wristwatch. Just look at the advertisements in watch magazines, they want consumers to believe everybody is a Jetfighter pilot, a Yachtsman who sales the ocean blue or a professional scuba diver who searches the oceans bottom for treasure! I personally have never used one, and to be honest, don?t know anyone who does. I would be willing to bet the inversion feature of the inverta will be used more in the first month than most use a chronograph in their lifetime!

My concept in design certainly incorporated the ?Flashing TC Logo? and the ?Inverted Display? as marketing features. Some may think they are cool, some a stupid idea? The inverta is a watch that can?t go unnoticed, the shape, double refractive colored sapphire and the flashing TC Logo are all, by design, to get attention. Rather one likes what they see is in the eye of the beholder. By design, these features work together to bring attention to the watch. Imagine, your sitting at a table in a restaurant for dinner, the guy at the next table over notices a ?Flash? on your watch, his second look reveals a watch like nothing he has ever seen, he?s intrigued to see it up close. He walks over inviting himself and inquires about your inverta. Will these features help the watch sell itself???possibly! By design, the inverted display can be activated from either top or bottom of the case, this will allow you or the inquisitive to activate the display so the time is displayed towards him, or her! It?s really that simple! Wearing a Pulsar LED since 1975, I have experienced this exact scenario several times, it?s why I conceived the inverted display. All I can say at this time is I have two prototypes, a green and blue TC, everyone who has seen them flipped out. The response is overwhelming, it?s truly a piece of jewelry, you?ll see!

The project is behind, I have contacted most everyone who sent in a ?Pre-Order? to give them an update. The watch actually has not been ?Officially? released yet, only the folks who visit my website know about the watch. I can say I have many waiting to buy the watch, I haven?t taken anyone?s money, something I would never do. I am a one-man band, I have done this on my own and it is very tough putting this all together. As I will be assembling the inverta here in Florida, I need all the parts from all the suppliers. I also have made a few revisions to improve the inverta. This takes time and money but I will deliver what I promise.

And finally, I want everyone to understand why I did not design a watch by copying an old TC design or use the old technology. Seems everyone has or is doing that. Nobody out there has more appreciation for the originals, no body! What I want is a ?quality? watch that lures the harts and minds of the young. I want them to feel what I felt when I saw my first Pulsar. I want the next generation to be were we collectors are today, 35 years from now. That was then, this is now, the LED watch needs a boost. I believe the inverta will do this! Maybe it won?t but please just let it take it?s coarse and let the watch speak for itself, please. Check in on the website for updates.

Dennis L. Klein
Last edited by The Time Computer on 30 Jul 2006, 01:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Inverta

Post29 Jul 2006, 19:41

Wearing a Pulsar LED since 1975, I have experienced this exact scenario several times, it?s why I conceived the inverted display.

Thats approximately once every 4.5 years :wink:




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Re: New Inverta

Post29 Jul 2006, 20:33

Tc, i know what you mean regarding attention when wearing an LED.Not including my wife clumping me across the head when she realises i've got one on , I often get people asking me about my watch. I dont truthfully know if they are in reality thinking "look at Austin Powers over there" but the ones who are nosy enough to ask seem genuinely surprised when i explain the watch is 30 plus years old. You refer to the Inverta as a piece of jewellry, do you intend to produce limited 18k solid gold or even white gold versions if the product takes off. Would you care to elaborate on why the watch is behind schedule, is this due to a problem with production or a supplier problem. I totally agree with your points raised regarding chronographs etc. I'm willing to bet there are owners of 300m divers watches who can't even swim :D

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Re: New Inverta

Post29 Jul 2006, 22:19

gjlelec wrote: Would you care to elaborate on why the watch is behind schedule, is this due to a problem with production or a supplier problem.

If you can understand the scope of a project like the inverta and the fact I started this project over a year ago, things happen. In my real job, I design multi-million dollar, one-of-a-kind homes, they take months to design and changes along the way to improve the design are common. This watch is very much the same but the twist is I am dealing with several (not seven) companies who are making parts for this watch. They are for the most part, half way around the world and there is a language barrier too! In short, one part needs the other part to be fitted with, when one critical part is not finished it holds the project up. There are no ?off the shelf? parts for my watch, everything is original. Even the IC and programming were developed to my specifications exclusively for the inverta .

As an Architect, I tell my clients, ?Now is the time to make any changes, not after it?s built.? I see an opportunity to make the watch better. As time flies by and my investment keeps getting bigger, I refuse to fire up manufacturing before it?s the best I can do. This watch is a very challenging watch for the manufacturing people, certain aspects of the design go against the grain of watch manufacturing. Naturally I have to fight to get it done my way and for a reason. I want something different, not like all the rest!

I didn?t design the inverta for LED collectors, if so you would see the same old thing. Business wise, that would be a huge mistake to count on the LED collector group to support the inverta project, I surly would loose my ass. Do I hope it will please some or most of the LED collectors, certainly. Will it satisfy all, certainly not, I never thought it would. Those who like it will buy it, those that don?t, won?t! If there were a perfect house design, I would be out of a job, if there were a perfect watch, we all would be wearing it!

As for the Jewelry statement?. this is due to the double refractive sapphire. Only the P1 owners can relate to this, as the ruby colored sapphire in the P1 is hard to explain and the only other LED watch to use a colored sapphire crystal. Without seeing it with the naked eye and because photos don?t do it justice, you just have to take the word of the lucky few. I have spent more time and money to develop the crystal for the inverta than the total cost of most of the LED watches your seeing today on eBay! Will I do the inverta in solid gold??..possibly, but lets see if there is an interest large enough to do so. I can say 18k is very beautiful but not practical for an everyday watch, it?s just too soft. I personally would rather invest in a 14k watch, but that?s me.

Dennis L. Klein

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Re: New Inverta

Post31 Jul 2006, 15:50

I commend Dennis on the thorough answer to what goes into bringing a watch or any other quality product to market - especially a very new and unique one. I've placed a pre-order for two of the Inverta's..understanding that it would take "a while". I too have investigated the possibility of building a watch - I have the experience and tools to machine my own cases, but it's the electronics that are the most financially daunting. Sure, you can buy a digital watch made in China for $1.00, but those are made by the millions, have no features beyond time and date, and are of extremely flimsy construction. I've stayed out of the "module building" discussions, considering most of them "pipe dreams" because I believe that unless you work for a circuit board manufacturer you will need around $50,000 to get your first 1000 modules(prices drop dramatically on quantity orders). A decent electrical engineer(or firm) will want a $3-5K retainer, against a total bill of $10-15k, just to get you 5-10 decent prototypes, AFTER the bill is paid in full. Every change will cost you THOUSANDS more.
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