It is currently 09 Feb 2025, 15:42 "Reset(AC)" point quickly

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Post05 Mar 2023, 21:03

Today I opened my Nixon Heat for the first time. There, on the back of the battery clip, was a sticker saying

  1. Replace a new battery
  2. Use metal tweezers to contact "Reset(AC)" point quickly
  3. If it doesn't work repeat step 1 & 2 again

I will not digress and tell you all the things I find amusing or disturbing with this message, but cut directly to my question:

Should the reset point be connected to + or -?

Extra credit:

Why is step 2 necessary? Every other battery powered watch or clock I have experienced up to this point, have started as soon as you put in a new battery.
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Re: "Reset(AC)" point quickly

Post11 Mar 2023, 06:12

I would say connect AC point to the case...presuming it's connected to one side of battery.
When u change a battery, voltage fluctuations/spikes as you put it in and clamp it down can set registers with strange values. I've seen quit a a lot like this...Seikos etc from memory.

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