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List of available replacement modules

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Techno Mage

Techno Mage

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List of available replacement modules

Post12 Dec 2016, 20:55

If you are producing modules e.g. for the HP-01 or any other quartz watch please add them here!

StrikesAndSpares (me) have the following modules available (Jul. 2018)

SASM10 --> Pulsar P1, P2 / Hamilton QTC / QED and Omega Time Computer I with light sensor on the right of the Display
SASM12 --> Pulsar P1, P2 / Hamilton QTC with light sensor under the Display
SASM20 --> Pulsar Date II, Pulsar P3, Omega Time Computer II and Hamilton QED with two pusher
SASM26 --> like SASM27, however with 24h Display
SASM30 --> Pulsar P4 Executive, Big Time with magnet set and Mercury Switch for flick of the wrist feature. Also for most Sanyo watches or watches with Sanyo LED module (e.g. CompuChron with two Setting buttons)
SASM31 --> Pulsar P4 Executive, Big Time and Classic with Autoset and Mercury Switch for flick of the wrist Feature.
SASM32 --> like SASM31, however 24h Display
SASM33 --> like SASM30, however without Mercury Switch
SASM34 --> like SASM31, however without Mercury Switch
SASM35 --> Pulsar Big Time and Classic with DOW (Day of week) Display
SASM36 --> Thin Fairchild module for Fairchild and Junghans watches plus many more NEW
SASM37 --> Samsung Ladies and Mens watches. NEW
SASM38 --> Serd module / early Korean watch modules.
SASM39 --> Bulova N6 and N7 watches with Mostek - Chip.
SASM40 --> Pulsar Dress watches with Magnet set and Autoset
SASM41 --> Pulsar Ladies Cushion and Oval watches with Autoset
SASM42 --> Bulova N6 Driver watches with two pushers
SASM43 --> Bulova N7 Driver watches with one pusher SASM45 --> Hughes Aircraft replacement for quite a few No-Name LEDs, Pushers at 1 and 3 o'clock. Module diameter 27mm
SASM47 --> Hughes Aircraft replacement for quite a few No-Name LEDs, Pushers at 1, 3 and 5 or 8 o'clock. Module diameter 27mm
SASM48 --> Hughes Aircraft replacement for quite a few No-Name LEDs, Pushers at 1, 3 and 5 or 8 o'clock. Module diameter 27mm Let´s fuck message!
SASM50 --> Omega Time Computer III / Digital 1 with Dot-Display and Hamilton QEDs with pushers at 1 and 3 o'clock.
SASM51 --> Omega Time Computer III / Digital 1 with Line-Display and Hamilton QEDs with pushers at 1 and 3 o'clock.
SASM52 --> Omega Constellation / Digital 2 with italic Line-Display and Hamilton QEDs with pushers at 1 and 3 o'clock.
SASM53 --> like SASM52, however for Benrus LED watches with DOW Feature
SASM54 --> Girard Perregaux Casquette replacement module for 395/396/397 movements
SASM55 --> National Semiconductor replacement module, also used in Novus, Exelar and LIP LED watches
SASM56 --> like SASM55, however with additional pusher for 2nd time Zone at 8 o'clock
SASM57 --> Hughes Aircraft 25mm Module for Compuchron watches. Pusher at 2 and 8 o'clock
SASM60 --> All #HGWC watches
SASM61 --> #HGWC watches with green Display (Shows time only)
SASM90 --> Sinclair Blackwatch (also white version) with 5 Digit Display
SASM91 --> Sanyo module replacement, also fits Longines Pentagon watch NEW
SASM92 --> Frontier Stop watch module replacement NEW


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