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Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wars?

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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post04 Mar 2022, 14:07

Now this is what I may call an "old watchmaker" Space Age watches New Old Stock (NOS) collection, that I bought in the last time (please see the final photo at the end of the post! :-D) :
I. Three (3) Original Andre Le Marquand Spaceman 1972 ORIGINAL CORFAM straps, one in perfect condition (the ULTRA RARE Blue one!) and other 2 in fine/decent condition.
II. Two (2) Original Andre Le Marquand Spaceman NOS 1972 bezels (including an ULTRA RARE Golden one!!!), a golden bezel released only for some very limited editions of Andre LeMarquand 1972 Spaceman watches, e.g. such as those made for Hollywood stars... :mega:
III. An ULTRA RARE collection of Five (5) ORIGINAL and NOS 1972 Spaceman Internal bezels in 5 colors (out of 6 ever released - a red one is missing ): "1972. Spaceman The first oval model is called 'Spaceman' and is issued in six different colours" -
Links from my friend Ronny outstanding SPACEMAN website: :mega:
III.1. 1972 Spaceman Black
III.2. 1972 Spaceman Blue
III.3. 1972 Spaceman Brown
III.4 1972 Spaceman Green
III.5 1972 Spaceman White
and the missing red one internal bezel (I still have 2 watches with red internal bezels, but not a spare red bezel)...
III.6 1972 Spaceman Red
IV. Two (2) Original Spaceman 1972 Automatic watches (unfortunately one with a bad condition, yet original CORFAM strap)...

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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post04 Aug 2022, 10:37

WOW...this is something that I was not prepared for... :-D
I always knew that the Catena's/Andre Le Marquand Spaceman watches may have had some special designs/maybe limited editions (?) - usually with a ultra rare golden bezel/case, for example involving some 70s Hollywood stars of the moment, stars wishing also to celebrate the Moon landing and other Space Age moments... :-D
But I was certainly NOT prepared for a watch like the following one: :-D

It is an already RARE GOLDEN case - made by OCTO, woman Spaceman Audacieuse, started in 1974 - after a design of the famous Andre Le Marquand - more info here
I bought it for my beautiful wife...since she has not yet a woman Andre Le Marquand Audacieuse Spaceman on her small collection of watches...

But what I DID NOT expected is this unique/particular design of the dial, hands and so on, as one may see below, since nothing similar was ever reported in the collector's ring: :mega:
1. First of all the golden dial is filling only about 2/3 of the watch face, the top 1/3 being some transparent background (transparent plastic as in Zodiac Astrographic mystery dial?) that includes even the 12 o'clock squared indice(s) - placed on that transparent background, and creating the impression that it is a "floating above a golden cave"... :-D
2. The hour and minute hands includes some transparent zones, to accentuate the whole "transparency" of the 1/3 top background
3. The "3D-like background" deep under the 1/3 upper "transparent" side of the dial (is it the watch caseback??? - I will know after I will give it to my skilled watchmaker :) ) is golden finished with some "deep golden lava CAVE" finish...creating an amazing view if You look at the watch as a "driver"...basically from the left hand sitting on a cars drive wheel... :mega:

Please look at below modest photos (I have tried hard to catch the feeling ones may have when they are looking at this really unique watch)

1. The unique golden Spaceman - 2/3 golden dial and 1/3 "transparent" dial, with 12 hour marker above the "transparent" side :mega:

2. The partially "transparent" hours and minutes hands, "floating above" that "golden lava cave": :mega:

3. And just to clarify what I've meant above:

But the true question remains: Was it a VERY limited/unique GOLDEN edition - e.g. especially designed for some women stars of that moment in 70s, and made especially for that very special customers by OCTO???...only the time may be the answer eventually...but for certain, this Spaceman watch it is REALLY DIFFERENT AND UNIQUE compared to any other (I may say many :-D ) Spaceman Audacieuse watches I've seen before...thanks for reading this...
And I am glad to present here - on NewDWF and for the first time, this quite unique piece of Space Age watch history,
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An almost unique Space Age memorabilia.A real "piece of hist

Post08 Aug 2022, 11:50

Well...this is not a real wristwatch/pocket watch and so on...It is an EXTREMELY RARE Sicura Keyring watch...made to be given to Apollo 11 crew members!!! Basically, a REAL and SMALL PIECE OF HISTORY!!!

It was issued when Apollo 11 crew members have landed on the Moon in 1969 and given to the Apollo crew members (and a good question is : only to Apollo 11 crew members or even also to other Apollo missions members??? - the present knowledge would say only to Apollo 11 crew!) and to the former USA president Richard Nixon
, by Sicura Watch Company - and its "former pilot" CEO Ernest Schneider - the same who bought Breitling brand almost a decade later, to remember that "out of the World" achievement of the 1969 MOONLANDING... :mega:
...for a Sicura watch history, more info at...

The item had a shape of the Apollo 11 MODULE and even a "conical" glass to emphasize the module's shape!!!
Image from

Was it a real key ring "watch", who was REALLY given to the former Apollo 11 crew members???...YES it was :grin1: , as one may see below, on an auction site selling some Armstrong family memorabilia: :mega:

And the even the CAG certification that it was a valid Armstrong Family memorabilia (image from ):

Was it rare?:
It seems that ONLY ONE such SICURA key ring watches was sold ever - UNTIL NOW - outside the Armstrong's and/or other Apollo 11 astronauts families - and it was on an Italian Auction site:

And now my similar key ring watch...recently added to my small collection of the Space Age watches/memorabilia:
The key ring with the Apollo 11 module-like "shape":

The 18 k gold bottom plate, remembering the date of the Moonlanding and its Apollo 11 crew members: :mega:

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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post06 Nov 2022, 17:15

Hi all,
it may look funny that one of the watches I have searched/waited for years to complete my collection of the Swiss/Western watch launched to celebrate Space Age achievements it is not a rare Hamilton Odyssee or a Zodiac Astrodigit etc etc, but a quite modest Camy Vostok - made by a Swiss/Western Watchmaker(!!!) and meant to celebrate Eastern/CCCP/COMMUNIST Space Race achievements!!! :grin1:
The brand (Camy) Vostok was registered in April 13, 1961, just a day after the Famous Vostok1/Gagarin Space Flight in April 12, 1961, followed at a short time by registration of the (Camy) SpaceShip brand in April 24, 1961!!!
Thus, an "educated guess" would be that the Camy Swiss watchmakers tried to avoid or - pure and simply - could not registered a brand on Gagarin name :grin1:, so they registered instead the Vostok brand (the name of the Gagarin's Spaceship was Vostok1!) and the SpaceShip brand... :mega:

It may worth mentioning that even the CCCP communist authorities also did not launched a watch with a Gagarin "brand", but instead they had established the Poljot (meaning Flight), and the ultra rare Orbita and Kosmos brands for the watches launched in 1961-1964 to celebrate in CCCP and in the Eastern Communist block that "out of the World" achievements of the First Man in Space!!!

So here it is, my small (cca 32-33 mm case diameter - but it was quite usual in late 50's, early 60's) ALL Stainless Steel :mega: with a fluted golden bezel and a (Cosmos-like?) Black Dial Camy Vostok:

It has a nice FHF ST/FHF 96 slightly modified movement, also with a nice "perlage" finish of the bridges, probably to underline the "importance" of this small watch made to celebrate a major step in the Space Race:

And the caseback:
Thus, this rare but -eventually- not very "spectacular" watch will finally complete my collection of the FIRST 3 Western/Swiss Made watches made between 1957-1961 to celebrate the CCCP/Eastern Communist Space Race achievements :grin1:, a watch series that very few watch collectors were aware of (and the good question is how many may have ALL of them? :-D ) :
1. The outstanding First Edition of the "asymmetric" Camy Sputnik with its very particular dial and the other rare early (cca 1958-1960) Camy Sputnik(s): :mega:
2. The above mentioned Camy Vostok
3. The Camy Spaceship
my other early Camy Sputnik(s) and Spaceship watches being presented in the following photo:
Last edited by cybr on 18 Dec 2023, 08:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post14 Nov 2022, 09:42

to let anyone really understand how fierce was the Space Race, you have below a cover of the famous Time Magazine from December 6, 1968, in a number debating who will be the first human on the moon (USA astronauts or CCCP cosmonauts):
Because communist CCCP Space Program have beaten already the USA/NASA Space Program in at least 3 major achievements during 50s-60s decade:
1. First Space Satellite - Sputnik 1957
2. First Man in Space - Gagarin 1961
3. First Spacewalk - Alexei Leonov - 1965
So it was no surprise that even Western/Swiss watch companies - such as Swiss Camy watches presented above - have celebrated that Communist/Space Race achievements in early-mid 60s :grin1:
The image from Time Magazine, December 6, 1968:
Image from,16641,19681206,00.html

But finally, after the outstanding 1962 JF Kennedy speech - "We choose to go to the Moon", the NASA have done it...MOONLANDING in July 1969, during Apollo 11 mission :mega:
So, once again, this is the ultra rare Sicura watch was made and meant - straight and simple - to celebrate that outstanding achievement of Moonlanding and also given to the Apollo 11 astronauts - in other words, a genius "marketing" approach from Sicura's CEO "former pilot" Ernest Schneider , because all others Western watches that may celebrate Moonlanding are not strictly related to the NASA, Apollo 11 astronauts etc involved in the first Moonlanding process- with the noteworthy and OUTSTANDING exception of the Omega ads about the watch which WAS REALLY on the MOON with Apollo 11 crew :mega: - the famous Omega Speedmaster : :grin1:

And a 1969 Omega Speedmaster Paper Ads - THE MOON WATCH!:
Image of a The Daily Telegraph ads from July 22nd 1969 from
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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post17 Nov 2022, 13:20


as I have already told you above in this thread, I may have in my collection some "missing links" between various rare but "regular" CATENA Spaceman watches, by the means of some ULTRA RARE 70s Catena (prototypes?) watches.
And one of them is the one presented below:
A PROTOTYPE Catena Spaceman cca 1973-1975 watch - A watch with the Catena name on the dial, but wrote with the very special "Spaceman characters/font", having:
i) The Catena Spaceman logo, beyond the special Catena name with Spaceman fonts
ii) The Catena Spaceman logo on the crown, only found later and only on the Catena Spacial watches :grin1:
iii) AS 2066 automatic movement with day/date, found on some Catena Spaceman 1972 watches and some Catena Spaceman Audacieuse watches- 1974
iv) A Full Stainless Steel case with an UFO-like design
v) No "regular" serial number, even if it has the Catena name on the inner caseback etc :mega:
I bought it from outside EU in a quite bad shape, but my skilled watchmakers have fully restored it, after a complete revision and a SS case restoration:
The watch in its initial state - one may see the Special Catena fonts and the Spaceman logo on the dial:

The watch in its initial state - the caseback stating its full SS case:


It has the same Catena name with the Special fonts + Catena Spaceman logo as other Catena prototypes I may have, such as the one presented below, a Catena with Spaceman logo but with alarm:

Thus, basically it may be the missing link between Catena Spaceman 1972 watches and the later Catena Spacial and Catena Spaceman Reissues, presented at Basel Fair in 2010: :mega:

And below is the above presented watch after the restoration process at my skilled watchmaker. One may see the original/restored "brushed" finish of the watch case and the original/restored "glossy" finish of the SS bezel: :mega:

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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post22 Nov 2022, 05:22

cybr wrote:Because we're talking here about the watch makers inspired by SF (E.g. Star Wars) movies, how about this 1977 Texas Instruments (Star Wars related NOT inspired) watch?

the photo came from ... teresting/

As one may read at the below URL, during late 70's, TI was forced by the market trends to reduce drastically the price for their LED/digital watches and finally to quit the watch market in 1981, as one may red at ... atches.htm

So, the above watch is probably a try to enhance TI selling in 1977/1978, using the (unexpected?!?) success of the first Star Wars movie :grin1:
More information about such TI wathes on the excellent Piotr's website: ... s-led-1977


Wow, really enjoyed this thread(former/previous site owner here). I agree that many factors inspired the Space watches. The bulbous cathode ray tubes of teh electronic gear and home tvs, the bulbous heads of the prposed aliens, the bulbous spacesuits. Much like the WIttnaeur "DOctor" model, which is NOT a factory designation, just something the public hit upon because the face is shaped like an old-school screen for a x-ray machine. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
Nov. 2022 - back in business!! BItter divorce is in home stretch, come grabs some great deals, I had to open the safe . . . damn attorneys. piss.




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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post22 Nov 2022, 13:56

Hi Ed,
Really honored to have you here on this the "former/previous site owner here" and as one of the biggest experts about the digital watch history...I've learned a lot from Your posts on this forum...Many Thanks... :Prost:
I already wrote a hopefully documented reply at Your excellent question related to the existence of a Sicura by Breitling thread :-D
With deep respect for all your contributions to the watch collectors community and kind regards,
Last edited by cybr on 22 Jun 2023, 12:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post19 Jan 2023, 13:40

Another "Helmet"/"Spaceman"-like AUTOMATIC SPECIAL watch, that will need further documentations: it is an Omax "Spaceman-like" watch, issued probably after 1977, but using a Catena-like case, with a 312 Serial number :grin1:
As one may see below, it has:
1. A "helmet"-like case that I've seen on a Catena Automatic watch with 312-ish serial number few years ago - meaning a Catena Watch company manufacturing date AFTER 1975-1977, but I still have to find those records/images of the Catena reference number 312 watch cases on my database or online :-( . Anyway, it is well know today that the Catena, Omax and few other brands have shared the same watch designs in the 70s!!!:
2. A special acrylic glass with a "side-view", somehow similar to the EARLIER in the 70's timeline Lucerne watch, presented by me on and by Watchismo at
3. A highly unusual "screw down" crown for a Spaceman-like watch, especially because the watch is only Water Resistant, thus NOT a Diver watch or even a 3-5-10 ATM/BAR Water Resistant watch! :scratch:
4. Last, but not least, it has an ULTRA RARE Adolph Schild 2166, NOT a "regular" 2066 watch movement, 2166 being a variant of the famous AS 2066, but with higher frequency of 28800 vph instead of 21600 vph!!! Anyway, please let me know how many watches with an AS 2166 28800 vph movement You may have or even You may find online, because I did not found many! :scratch:
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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post25 Nov 2023, 14:02

Sorry to befoul this thread of lovely retro-futurism with my Hashu Electronvolt knock-off, but I do think it's at least on topic. ;-)

Image Image




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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post26 Nov 2023, 12:35

Hi Midomiko,
Congratulations and thanks for your nice post, regarding a quite rare Spaceman-like "reissue" (yet modern! :grin1: ) LED watch! :Prost:

Yours is only the the fourth such interesting LED watch I've seen/I was able to find on the Internet, the other 3 being found on:

1. Only a mention (the image is unfortunately missing now!) of a "SRX Electronvolt" LED reissue of Spaceman 1972, on the excelent website of my friend and outstanding Spaceman watches collector, Ronny:
2. Another one on the nice blog/website - Which Watch Today...of Norway based "Jollyaard the Watch Collector":
3. And finally, one sold for 80 USD, some time ago:


Please let me know if You need more info/opinions about your nice "Spaceman"-like reissue LED watch...
Best regards,
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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post29 Nov 2023, 20:49

Hi all,
Because we've started in this thread to talk also about Space-Age "reissue" modern watches, in the last years: :Prost:

As I've promised two years ago - when I've seen the Basel World Fair 2010 announcement of Catena watch company - that they will present there in 2010 some Catena Spaceman "reissues" called "SwisSpace" as a new brand (most probably because the SPACEMAN brand is still owned by Andre Le Marquand and not by Catena watch company anymore), I have had hunting the web to buy those 2010 Spaceman Catena's reissued watches presented at the Basel Fair 2010 :mega:

The Catena Basel Fair 2010 announcement:
and some of the watches presented there - named SwisSpace I (the square one!) and and SwisSpace II (please see the image below):

And below you have some of my brand new Catena "SwisSpace" (=Spaceman reissued original Catena watches : :mega: )
The most important 4 models (I have more models) - basically from left to right:
1. The "square" Catena SwisSpace I (white edition) Quartz - a reissue similar with the Catena Spaceman Audacieuse 1974,
2. Catena SwisSpace Automatic Jump Hour - Limited Edition (5 colours of 999 pieces for each color! :mega:), in its "coolest" Orange variant, that "screams" 70's design and it is similar with the Catena Spaceman Jump Hour 1977!!![/color] :mega:
3. The Blue and Black Catena SwisSpace II Quartz - similar with the Catena Spaceman 1972

So, here they are, the most important 3 models presented by Catena at Basel Fair 2010 and the last :-( (unfortunately and most probably) "Spaceman"/reissued SwisSpace Automatic Jump Hour, launched a little later:

And have a look also at the quite cool "UFO design" of the watch cases:

And, once again, the similarities with the previous Catena Spaceman watches from 70s:

Please let me know if You need more info about the struggle to survive in the last 15 years of the ORIGINAL Catena watch brand and how Spaceman became SwisSpace!
Best regards,
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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post13 Jan 2024, 22:35

The "TUXEDO" (luxury?) Tugaris Spaceconqueror watch - cca 1959-1961:

This one is a very special and ULTRA RARE Space Age watch, regarding its year of apparition (late 50s-early 60s), its outstanding "Tuxedo" design - that only very few other, mostly high end luxury brands had it - at that time :-D and its high quality movement for that particular timeline - an AUTOMATIC Felsa 1560! :mega:

The "Tugaris Spaceconqueror" brand was registered in February 26,1959 - as a brand of Swiss Tiara SA watch company from Saignelégier (and later also Zürich), Swiss; a company registered in July 21, 1945.

And the Tiara's SpaceConqueror brand was registered - most probably and as the Swiss Camy's Sputnik, Vostok and SpaceShip brands :-) -also to celebrate the achievements obtained by communist CCCP Space program in the early stages of the Space Race :
: :grin1:

The Tiara SA - who owned Tugaris brand was a high quality watch company, making quality Swiss watches in the 1945-1961, especially those powered by the outstanding Felsa 690, 692 or 1560 automatic movements!

As a prove of my above statement, it is important to know that Tiara SA watch company was bought in 1961 by Desco von Schulthess Holding AG - a company established in 1933 as a holding company for investments in other areas.
After World War II, Desco became the agent for luxury brands Jaeger-LeCoultre and Audemars Piguet in certain Asian markets, along with mass-market brands Angelis, Eterna, Heuer, and Certina. :eek:

Even more, In 1975, Desco von Schulthess launched its own brand of watches, Maurice Lacroix - one of the few luxury Swiss watchmakers to remain privately owned even today. :mega:

Now, that we established the roots and "the child brand" of the owners of Tiara SA company (=Maurice Lacroix watch brand), Tiara SA that produced the ULTRA RARE Tugaris SpaceConqueror watch in the late 50's - early 60s, please have a look at my newly acquired "tuxedo luxury watch" (please look below at the explanation of the "term" :grin1: ) ALL Stainless Steeel, "bomber" lugs, Automatic Felsa 1560 Tugaris SpaceConqueror - made probably in 1961 (?) after the serial number, having also a rare and contemporary Space Age JB Champion bracelet :mega:

The caseback of the watch:

And its outstanding and quite rare All Steel Space Age JB Champion bracelet:

And now the MAJOR suprise...what I meant by "luxury Tuxedo watch" of '50s and 60s...please look at the article below, related to what other companies have produced watches with a similar TUXEDO design and some similar - yet different from brand to brand - high level AUTOMATIC movements, like the above mentioned Tugaris SpaceConqueror, a watch powered by the outstanding for that time - Felsa 1560 automatic movement, able to compete with any contemporary UG, Tudor or Longines automatic movements: Universal Geneve (UG) - Polerouter - arguably designed by than the very young -23 years - Gerald Genta :mega: , Tudor (a Rolex Brand) Oyster-Prince 34 and Longines!!! :grin1:

Thus, please read this extremely interesting article from Hondikee - "Beginner's Guide Why We Still Love Tuxedo Dials": ...and the image below, from that article:

Please let me know if You need more information about the exquisite "TUXEDO" Tugaris SpaceConqueror watches of the late 50's, early 60s (since I have more of them, but with some winding, not Automatic movements) :mega: ...
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Re: Spaceman watches inspired from Space Oddysey and Star Wa

Post16 Sep 2024, 12:35

Even if I acquired - in the last 6-7 months - some very interesting watches that I may/will present here later :grin1:, the most unexpected one was an - otherwise defective - Motel/United Arrows ZODIAC ASTRODIGIT replica...that eluded me for years!!!, as I already told You before :scratch:

Please don't understand me wrong: only few years ago, I have searched and found ONLINE in few days and also acquired 2 (two! :mega: ) ORIGINAL Zodiac Astrodigit LCD watches, one of them being one of the rarest variant of the ultra rare Space Helmet and original 1976/1977 Zodiac Astrodigit LCD watches that were ever produced!!!

The original Zodiac ASTRODIGIT was ALSO one of the first LCD Chronos to obtain a Chronometer Certification - please see the info bellow :mega: )!

[i]"Zodiac introduced the Astrodigit, a digital chronograph with an LCD display ( in 1977); it was the first watch of this type to obtain a chronometer certification."[/i]

Thus it may seems strange,that after many months of searching the WWW, I have obtained ONLY a DEFECTIVE MOTEL/ARROWS Astrodigit Replica watch :grin1: :scratch: , while I have quite easily found and bought 2 ULTRA RARE ZODIAC Astrodigit ORIGINALS from 70's!!! :grin1:
Please take it as another prove that this PECULIAR Zodiac Astrodigit replica is quite rare!!! :grin1: :grin1: :grin1:

Anyway acquiring one, I was finally able to see (but not to identify!) ITS REVERSE LCD module (this working module image is from! :-D
Thus I may need some help from those of You that may have seen such a Reverse LCD module (most probably a chinese production module)! :Prost:


So, as one may see below, here are some other images inside of this probably quite cheap (and rare :scratch: ) Zodiac ASTRODIGIT modern REPLICA... :grin1:

Thus, please look at the photos of my watch AND ITS MODERN REVERSED LCD MODULE below:

The modern Astrodigit REPLICA watch:
The Replica's caseback:

AND the peculiar and unidentified module inside it:


Thus, please let me know if You have identified the peculiar (and modern) LCD module inside this ASTRODIGIT replica,

Thanks in advance for any info,
Best regards,
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