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posting pictures on forum with your mobile and dropbox

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posting pictures on forum with your mobile and dropbox

Post23 Jan 2012, 17:59

most of us have a decent multimedia mobile phone these days with a megapixel camera.

Here is my way how i post pictures on the forum.

What do we need?
- a mobile phone with a decent camera
- dropbox
- picasa .. google picasa free but this is optional

-install dropbox on your pc and on your mobile (android, iphone, blackberry--app)
-take pics with my mobile in the highest resolution and transfer it to your pc (with wire or wireless via bluetooth or wifi) with the dropbox app. With other drop the picture in the dopboxfolder on your pc.
-then i start picasa and go to the dropboxfolder..i change the picture to my likings in picasa and export it to a new made
folder in the dropboxfolder. (i set the exportsetting in picasa to 800*xxx resolution for posting pictures.)
Then i just go to the folder with windows explorer and copy the picture shortcut in the dropboxfolder so i can paste it
in between the Img tags in my posting et voila..that all.

advantages of this..
- your pictures are always synchronised (safe)
- you still have the original resolution of the picture on your pc
- you can edit or add a copywrite tag and make them smaller in picasa for posting.
- advertising free

happy posting :-D
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Re: posting pictures on forum with your mobile and dropbox

Post12 Dec 2012, 00:34

Hi kasper
I use iPad and it would be great to be able to post photos from library.
Unfortunately, the DWF forum does not allow to upload pictures from iPad.
Maybe you have th clue or a future development
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Re: posting pictures on forum with your mobile and dropbox

Post12 Dec 2012, 11:26

yeah recently dropbox changed the way you can post pictures. I have an old account so i can keep doing what i was doing. But if you have an new account, they won't let you post a picture directly anymore (shame on dropbox, it was that service what made them big).
There is a way in between offcourse :-D only a bit more work.

now for windows users..let me tell ya how i do it.

after i took the picture and sent it to my account..i open it with picasa, edit it and export it again to a folder in the public part of dropbox.(so it gets synchronised with dropbox)
Then i open dropbox in the browser and click on the picture so it opens in a black background. Then i just pull the picture to a new tab above (you see a + sign if you hoover above the new tab) in my browser so it opens there just plain without the black background.
Then just copy that url above and paste it in between the 'img' tag here above.

Happy postings.
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Re: posting pictures on forum with your mobile and dropbox

Post12 Dec 2012, 23:41

First try !
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Re: posting pictures on forum with your mobile and dropbox

Post29 Mar 2013, 22:43

Amazing! It works! I found out that I had to put the folder in the public folder.

Thank you!

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