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Eggads, this is embarressing. I am REtroleds.

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Eggads, this is embarressing. I am REtroleds.

Post11 Sep 2022, 08:24

So, I can ony imagine it has been rumored I have not been responsing to emails, not doing repairs - at least I didnt take any money and shut off my ebay. QHy? Because I am going through a nasty ass divorce and she kicked of by getting me stuck on a mental hospital on a bunch of lies(no I am not a rechless driver, I have had perfect records for 20+ yers, not unemployed - JEsus Christ, I have a pensions and 2 friggin business besides the watches. hmm I am irritable - of course I am ya bitch I caught you red handed you tried to stealover $250k from ME. And I found the god damn documents. And the vitch might have even tried to have me killed -evidence is still being sifted, by the police).. But temporarioy, her attorney by getting in first, has fucked my money. And least I took possesion of my house(I owned it free and clear before that LADY) - and now she wants have AND the stolen money. WHen I made almost $2million more than ii her in 18 years? The hell you say! No, not happeningl But temporarioy she has me fucked. Stiffed me wtih 5 mnths of ALL bills, when I was sending her 203k each months pkus paying many personally. Like my insurance(car)phone and well over half the groceries. Sine I did 99% of the cooking - her's was gastly! BY any countries standards. Well, she was Scottish - is there food bad? idk trying to be funny, not working well on me.
Se, I have not left the watch world, lan on making a realy strong return in a month or so with new stock, refreshened site, better stock control and shipping prices that make sense, For every size item. The flat rate for $8 is ony fair or good business if you buy a watch, not parts. I know that.
Got tons of parts and watches i am going to quit hanging on to the better ones well go to ebay for the better exposure until I get caught u on my $$. Suck on the fees but oh well, nothing is guarentee in any business attempt. I;ve stil done good, imo. Even got a sweet box of useful stuff for Hanno to uid several Synchronars from orignal arts an d stuff like that for theres. All Pusar modules to HAllo - he's the ony making effictive use of them, Buce is not. imo. Sorry bruce if you see that, you just aren't putting them it fast enough, NOR a wide enough breath of brands. Hanno has/had the skills already from his existing biz. I'll try to visit here more - I think I still have an occasional useful thing to say. I'll behave, not my place anymore. Shame the traffic isn;t better is all I 'd say. I have offered to help move it to Xeneforo so it is a real forum look and fee. I have done a few for others in my "abscence". The learning curve is steep compared to this. The basic set setup on the market for Xen is around 3k. But it's not your Worpress or phobb freebee either, I think $900 for the software alone currently or close.
Long/short: not I haven't gone rouge on you all, just got detained in a very odd and disturbing place for few weeks and then needs=ed a few to recover from the absolute trashing of my house and belonging. She DID keep her word and not touch my watches or instruments - but dtole thoudsnfd of dollars of my hand and power tools, every single lader and all the furnature but a single bed. WHy thanks you babe. I look forward to crushing your titties in COurt soon.. Those places COULD make one nutz. and the assholes almost stopped my heart wth some oD and had to rush me to emergency and oumo my blood, etc The workers all appears afllicted. LOLOLOLOLOL. * I read, A lOT in there. What, you thought I wanted to bang a nutter - nah, too many offers were made. grooooossssssssssssssss. LOL>LL>
Bye! *If this was disturbing, let me sing you a song I wrote and produced. And sang on - duh. My studio )

Cheers :pimp: * The one bright point: soon as my hot new GF(hehe, 8 years my jnior, former model type - smokin!! And perfect age to be oh so ho-ny) SOon as she saw me she said, I am going kick her @ss and break her f'm nosel God did that wamr my heart. I guess I'll let ladies go first on it. DArn, I wanted to do the same things to her. AS a warmup, of course. I DID almost die. Mhe, Slnder suit off the pack of lies for her and her attornye, fraud suite aginst her for the absconded monye. She could sstill see jail And is definately going to the mental ward herself SOON. SHe can;t stop me from insisting on it - her attornye failed to timely rebuff my side request she gets same. LOLOL *She has had 2 heart attack alrady - she might not survuiuve it. ODdly I don;t feel very sad. :nikolaus: I thiknk I would get everything? COol . . . . . . :Hi: - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
Nov. 2022 - back in business!! BItter divorce is in home stretch, come grabs some great deals, I had to open the safe . . . damn attorneys. piss.




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Re: Eggads, this is embarressing. I am REtroleds.

Post11 Sep 2022, 21:42

Good to hear from you Ed, You always have been and will continue to be my “Pulsar Guy.”
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Re: Eggads, this is embarressing. I am REtroleds.

Post22 Nov 2022, 05:55

I'm BACK!!! Seriously, I am back, my divorce isn't over but we are in home stretch, they won't be f'n with me further so I can work in peace. Have now completed last 2 repairs that were waiting and have posted at least 30 new items to my site. Lot's more coming - like at least 300 new"(old) pieces, both LED & LCD. And some real rarities . . . my life has been ripped asunder, I may as well blow the doors off the safe too. *Just did great business with Hanno that will benefit dozens of people. Keep on ticking fellas - I will and have!

"If women weren't "women", we'd have to kill them and eat them." - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
Nov. 2022 - back in business!! BItter divorce is in home stretch, come grabs some great deals, I had to open the safe . . . damn attorneys. piss.




  • Posts: 48
  • Joined: 26 Mar 2008, 16:19

Re: Eggads, this is embarressing. I am REtroleds.

Post22 Nov 2022, 11:29

Really glad you're back in the game, Ed. Persevere

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