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Techno Mage

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Post22 Jan 2012, 18:12

As soon as I have transferred the .nu domain to the account on my server, the forum will run on webspace again instead of I hope that you can understand that a new forum version and some other updates have been most important for now.

I don´t know how long it will take until I have that .nu domain accessable through my provider - hopefully as soon as possible.

Thanks for your patience, Hanno.


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Re: Domain

Post20 Mar 2012, 13:04

After 3 months our former hoster, siteground still has no intention to transfer the dwf domain to my own provider. Moreover they do not allow to change the nameserver so it would be possible to run this under the name.

I am still working on that issue. Hanno.


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Re: Domain

Post20 Mar 2012, 13:58


I thought that was illegal. If Ed has sold you the domain they must provide Ed with a keycode to release the domain, the domain also has to be unlocked which can usually be done buy the owner if the domain hosts have a user control panel. I have just done this process with digitalwatchlibrary and vintagelcd with no problems at all in a week moving to domainmonster from freeparking. There was also no downtime at all that I noticed.


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Re: Domain

Post20 Mar 2012, 15:42

I have never had trouble moving a site away from siteground. But this is all just more smoke & mirror b.s., the hosting company has no control over the situation - the domain registar is the one that actually keeps, maintains and updates the nameserver information. So you need to contact the company Tor Kinlock works for (I gave you all of this) and have them update the name server information to the server that will be hosting the site. You obviously have it currently pointing at S&S's server, so you have already DONE this once before. So blaming it on Siteground is just the lamest of all excuses. !@@!

Hanno, you promised me you wouldn't deconstruct this place in this fashion but you did. So I don't feel particularly friendly toward you on this issue and others - I was doing this strictly for business but at least I felt a MORAL obligation to give the people here what they wanted and needed. It is very clear you don't.

You must think that just because I didn't update the forum software I am some f'n turd - I actually have acomputer science degree (old,1992). I run a number of other websites that are truly state of the art - I just have a bad habit of not going back and bringing them forward as the technology changes. If it ain't broke, I don't fix it. Some of us old people like diddling with old, creaky code ....brings back fond memories of when it was all fresh. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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Re: Domain

Post20 Mar 2012, 15:46

Awesome, you have taken to deleting posts you don't like.

Here's to the new boss, same [worse?] as the old boss. M:)W:)M It's from an Old Who song...

I think "they" are right, I just need to build another forum and turn the keys over to someone else. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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Re: Domain

Post20 Mar 2012, 16:40

Well I was hoping that we could discuss that in a more neutral form. If you don´t like this and that, why don´t you just write an email or write in the proposal forum? I have neither time nor is it a fun job to discuss these complaints. If you post racist stuff or destroy a post with off-topic things I have no other chance than to delete it. You know that better than me.

You had a bunch of useful information posted here over the years... Just because one category has been merged and the domain is acutally for 3 months now makes you angry? My godness, we can change that! See it was my initial intention to change the domain again as I´ve posted on 22nd of january.

I really have less time so the main thing for me was to update the forum to the newest software, change the looks to a more modern style and see that the forum is running smoothly.

I wish you could put all your energy in proposals how to change the name servers (currently siteground nameservers, so siteground is the registrar) and work with me on new categories. But also think about that you charged quite a bit of money for the forum, so that you actually sold your baby! I think it´s my right to make some changes. If your intention was to just find another admin who does the work, why do you charge money at all?

Believe it or not, I don´t care about the personal "reputation" in the led watch business (I also removed the Admin icon on my account). Moreover I don´t care if I sell 50 or 500 modules per year, as I have a main job which keeps me very busy.

Think about that, post a sarcastic comment which is totally OK for me. Just want to let you know that I am generally open to changes. Make it a more pleasant place to spend time. too! Hanno. :-)
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Re: Domain

Post20 Mar 2012, 18:49

Hanno, I've been asking you from day one why you are running it under S&S's URL. Siteground is not the domain name registar - they are the hosting company. Surely you know the difference? Since you keep using this false excuse, I suspect it is intentional and slightly nefarious. Again, you had no problem pointing the name servers to S&S - poor excuse, now over 2 months old.

I guess I would have to ask - why did you buy the forum? I see why, you want to constrict this activity. Yes, like me you have other ways to make money - what I asked you about before you bought this URL is whether you would spend the hands-on time. Seems not. OF course I wanted someone else to do the work! - the people who come here chaffed at the idea that I would make a dime of income of the thing, even though I was consistently spending time tweaking it and monitoring it (the other forum doesn't have someone who does that, so they suffer a bit).

You only merged one category? These were all separate categories before: Pulsar, Omega, Synchronar, vintage LED watches, Modern LED watches, vintage LCD watches, modern LCD watches, wrist Gadgets, mechanicals.

Sure, I sold my baby, but I didn't expect the purchaser to cut her hair, tattoo her face, change her name and ask her to forget she was ever called by a different name. She may very well run away from home and look for her pappa who treated her well and protected her.

I guess if you are a person with no interest in your reputation, good, bad or otherwise, I am wasting my time. Apples grow on apple trees. Guten tag! - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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Techno Mage

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Re: Domain

Post20 Mar 2012, 19:28

Ed, thanks for this neutral comment. I am sure we can work on this basis. First of all I have to say, not everything which got cut her hair and with some tattoos has to be a bad at all. At least she has a very nice face. Much better than before. :twisted:

Reputation was a bad chosen word. It´s more the standing. Don´t know the exact expression. I am not interested if I am well known in that community or not. The reputation is important, so your are right on this topic.

I´ve been running this forum on the SAS domain for an obvious reason: I would like to use a german server. That has nothing to do with idiotic nationalistic interests and of course german servers are not always running faster (as this was a no-speed-limit joke with rewolf - yes we also can be sarcastic or make jokes just as you and expect the members to understand them), but for the corresponding law. You know if somebody files a claim or goes to a court, he has to do it in Germany, with german law and german language. It´s just some kind of mandatory self-protection. That´s all!

Finally I must conclude we got this issue because we both have some kind of bullhead. But you need to have one if you are runnig such a thing, right? Hanno.
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Re: Domain

Post20 Mar 2012, 20:37

SASM wrote:Ed, thanks for this neutral comment. I am sure we can work on this basis. First of all I have to say, not everything which got cut her hair and with some tattoos has to be a bad at all. At least she has a very nice face. Much better than before. :twisted:

Reputation was a bad chosen word. It´s more the standing. Don´t know the exact expression. I am not interested if I am well known in that community or not. The reputation is important, so your are right on this topic.

I´ve been running this forum on the SAS domain for an obvious reason: I would like to use a german server. That has posting.php?mode=quote&f=73&p=34392#nothing to do with idiotic nationalistic interests and of course german servers are not always running faster (as this was a no-speed-limit joke with rewolf - yes we also can be sarcastic or make jokes just as you and expect the members to understand them), but for the corresponding law. You know if somebody files a claim or goes to a court, he has to do it in Germany, with german law and german language. It´s just some kind of mandatory self-protection. That´s all!

Finally I must conclude we got this issue because we both have some kind of bullhead. But you need to have one if you are runnig such a thing, right? Hanno.
I would disagree that we got to this point because of bull-headedness (other than on your part, since I am not the only one who has raised these issues) - I am of the opinion that we got to this point because you have greatly reduced the working efficiency of the forum. And hassling you to put a little more work into it is about the last really beneficial thing I can do for the people who have been coming here faithfully for years. *(analogous joke - I am in the position of the son.)

Everybody has heard of the German Autobahn - maybe I will get to try it, I am supposed to go to Germany in the fall as my Uncle has repatriated our families lands, which were lost after WWII. Sometimes we drive fast like that too - best one I remember is a friend and I taking his Dad's new Electra 225 (1973?) out on the Interstate late at night. The speedometer ended at 120 mph, we buried it and kept rolling for another 5-10 miles. I'd guess were were going 140 mph (225 kph) minimum. He wrapped Dad's car around a tree a few weeks later - fortunately I wasn't along for that ride.

A pretty face can be boring - studies have shown that most popular actors and actresses do not have symmetrical faces. And nothing is worse than a pretty woman who doesn't put out. This one isn't putting out any more, or it is way too much work for the payback. Realistically, all cats are grey in the dark. 8-)

* A father writes his son who is in prison for bank robbery. "Son, I need to plant the garden but I don't have the strength for it, I wish you were here." The son writes back, "Dad, don't dig in the GARDEN, I BURIED THE MONEY there." The next day a bunch of policemen come and dig up the entire garden, finding nothing. A few days later the son writes again, "sorry Dad (guys), it was the best I could do from HERE." - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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Re: Domain

Post22 Mar 2012, 12:50

To separate both strikesandspares and dwf, is now redirected to our new URL...

Personally I really like .com domains and this domain is quite short. Much shorter then and a bit longer than

General information:
- For these who reach the forum through - up to now it´s still possible. I will remove this domain at a later point of time.
- I am still having problems with siteground. This seems to be a known problem, just google siteground + nameserver.
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Re: Domain

Post22 Mar 2012, 15:33

The 'keep me logged in' option is not working, having to input user name and password with each visit.


Techno Mage

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Re: Domain

Post22 Mar 2012, 17:36

Should be working now, I´ve forgot to update the cookie informtion. Hanno.
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Re: Domain

Post22 Mar 2012, 19:18

Just been in and out - all good now :-D
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Re: Domain

Post23 Mar 2012, 22:39

SASM wrote:- I am still having problems with siteground. This seems to be a known problem, just google siteground + nameserver.

This is a ridiculous situation you describe - is the registar. Tor Kinlock(forum founder) is a high level manager there. The domain name is paid for until 2057. They are the ones who control the name server information - siteground has absolutely no control over you or the domain. Change the name server with and it feeds from there.

Incidentially, "nu" mean "now" in Swedish. And phonetically it sounds like the ENglish word "new". WHy you would give up all the good page ranks with the search engines is beyond comprehension.

Tidbit....for a while I was holding and having it redirect to Seems to have diverted a fair amount of traffic away from the other dwf. M:)W:)M - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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Re: Domain

Post24 Mar 2012, 11:02

;* ;* ;*
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Re: Domain

Post26 Mar 2012, 15:05

Dear Hanno,
You don't seem to appreciate how irritating it is to the people who have contributed hundreds or thousands of posts and pictures that their good work has been cast far and wide here, in a digital haystack. The "menu" of a website is like a menu in a restaurant - it should quickly guide one to their food choices. The first page of a website is called "index" for a reason - like the index of a book, it saves one from reading the entire book, but rather they can zoom in on the very topic they want to read. Many are afraid to voice a public outcry as they need to have somewhere to gather - I don't live under the same guidelines. I am asking you to PLEASE consider pleasing more of the people, especial those who had given much to this place for YEARS before you ever came. It would be a sad thing if I am moved to progress from mere chain-rattling to actual competition - funded by some of those who have contacted me. I have been offered the work in hard $$s. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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