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synchronar posts

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synchronar posts

Post14 Feb 2012, 06:57

where are all the synchronar posts from 2006 thru 2011. a lot of them were helpful for those who were/are attempting to repair them. i cannot find them anywhere. peter
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Re: synchronar posts

Post14 Feb 2012, 09:48

Jep, same here, I can not find them!

Is it possible to to a sub threads on "vintage led watches"





Like it was on the old forum perhaps?




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Re: synchronar posts

Post14 Feb 2012, 13:24

I am updating the search index again. This is a long process and might take until tomorrow.

I do not want to split the topics again for an obvious reason. I would like the Pulsar owners to read the synchronar topics, too. They have just one forum for Vintage LED watches.. Hanno.
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Re: synchronar posts

Post14 Feb 2012, 23:01

SASM wrote:I am updating the search index again. This is a long process and might take until tomorrow.

I do not want to split the topics again for an obvious reason. I would like the Pulsar owners to read the synchronar topics, too. They have just one forum for Vintage LED watches.. Hanno.

This obvious reason - could you please explain? There is nothing obvious, apparently to more than one of us.

The vast majority of Pulsar owners don't care about Synchronars, considering them ugly and junk. And having Synchronars, Pulsars and all the other brands just jumbled together makes the information for all three of those genres fairly un-attainable. It may be a more streamlined user interface, but if you can't; find features then it is a waste of engineering.
The old categories had been developed and changed over the years based on member input - not just on the whims of the site admin. Those categories were requested by the people - it's important to give them what they want. :lol:

Visit rates are at an all time low - I suspect the inability to find logical groupings of information is killing ardor. St. Valentines Day, no less. Ok, I'll check in again next week!

"Electronical" is a funny heading - these are all electrical. Unless mechanical. "Electronical" is not a real word in the English will find it at Electronic or Electrical Repairs. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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Re: synchronar posts

Post15 Feb 2012, 05:49

i agree with ed. the continuity of a particular thread or topic is lost if pulsar, synchronar and other leds are all included in the same forum. if someone is working out a problem it is not possible to have a back and forth conversation. i like and have pulsars plus i have been fairly successful at repairing the mkI/II synchronars and it may be helpful to others if they could see the running threads about these topics. i have lost some interest in the forum because of this. i usually vist at least once a day and usually log on. it does seem that posts are down even if there are visitors. i see that a lot of visitors do not log on. :cry: :-? peter
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Re: synchronar posts

Post15 Feb 2012, 09:07

I'm with Ed and Peter on this. Before it was easy, at least for me! The user interface was much more user friendly, meaning I found everything without making search first. Synchronar was one topic, Pulsar on one topic and etc.

In the previous version I logged on every day and found all new post on the bottom of the forum, I only needed one click to get to a thread what I found interesting and what had new posts. I liked that very much. For me the old forum code was more user friendly.

Newertheless Hanno you have made a great work, the forum looks great and fresh.



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Re: synchronar posts

Post15 Feb 2012, 09:26

If you are just reading the newest topics anyway then you might click on "View new posts" or "View active topics". I mean who needs categories in that case? I prefer to keep it as simple as possible and as kasper wrote, there are other digitals than vintage LEDs and I would like to also focus on these in the future. Time is not standing still..

Moreover I do not see that there´s less traffic over here. From the statistics it´s even more. But anyway, I will think about your interest to split the forum "Vintage LEDs" again. By the way I am still updating the search index, although this feature have been running through the night.

Best regards, Hanno.
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Re: synchronar posts

Post15 Feb 2012, 19:31

ummm, it would be nice to have the synchronar posts as a running thread, as well as pulsar/omega/hamilton. other leds could come under other leds. i agree that the basic format looks nice but it just seems fractured to me. :-( peter
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Re: synchronar posts

Post15 Feb 2012, 20:06

I really like the new look of the site but I think having the sub threads under the main sections, e.g.:
Vintage LED - then sub sections for Pulsar, Hamilton, Synchronar, etc. really was more user friendly.
A lot of us log on from our worksites :oops: and the faster we can navigate to the pages/info. we need, the better.
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Re: synchronar posts

Post15 Feb 2012, 21:55

I also agree that it was a good idea to keep Synchronar, Pulsar and "other" LEDs in separate subsections.
I always enter the forum via "unread posts" so it doesn't actually matter for me, but I think that for new members it'd be easier to gather information if there are subsections.
The way it is now, the good old Synchronar threads will soon be buried and lost under all the Pulsar stuff.
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Re: synchronar posts

Post15 Feb 2012, 22:16

I also preferred the sub divisions, would it be possible to keep the 'Electronical' as the main topic on the opening page and introduce the sub-divisions when in 'Electronical' keeps the opening page uncluttered and allows space for other topics to be added that way.


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Re: synchronar posts

Post16 Feb 2012, 10:16

The new search index has been built now and it´s very easy to find dozens of synchronar posts (which hasn´t worked before). So clockace was totally right in that he couldn´t find the old posts. Now he can easiliy.

I really cannot see the argument over here: It´s not faster to browse through the old synchronar forum instead of searching for specific topics. The majority of you doesn´t use forums at all but click on "view newest posts".

Isn´t it that you were just used to something and would like to keep it ?? ~:( ~:( ~:( Hanno.
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Re: synchronar posts

Post17 Feb 2012, 01:01

well, there a a few of the new ones but it goes from feb 2012 back to mar 2006 with nothing in between. there are many pages missing. or am i not doing something right???? :oops: peter
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Re: synchronar posts

Post17 Feb 2012, 16:54

While I haven't been very active here lately, I do like the new look of the forum. But...part of the reason I'm not so active is because of the new structure to it. I don't view the forum via "view unread posts", I used to like to travel through each various subforum (Pulsar, Synchronar, etc) to read new topics. I only used search to find specific info or threads that I knew existed and I wanted to revisit.

Other than that, I think the new Admin is doing a great job in keeping the site new and fresh, and hope to be visiting more often.
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Re: synchronar posts

Post18 Feb 2012, 18:24

I think the technical problem, that those old topics are no longer associated with their old sub-section. Once that association is destroyed, there is no effective way to sift them back out, but by hand. I didn't sell off the database - I could set the forum up on a server but then we would have a third forum. Oy Vay.

The problem of destroying all signs of a previous regime is that you destroy the good with the bad. :x Generally best not to try and change history - the bad wasn't that bad, nobody died. :!: - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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Re: synchronar posts

Post19 Feb 2012, 02:03

Well---that's a bummer!! so the last 6 years posts are gone?? :~# peter
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Re: synchronar posts

Post20 Feb 2012, 08:51

Hi Peter.
The posts are all still there, it's just that they're no longer all in the same folder, and are not searchable at the moment.

You pretty much have 3 options at the moment:
1. Dig through the "Vintage LED Watches" section.
2. Try to remember who contributed to the thread, click on that person, and then click on 'Search Users Posts'. You'll then have a much shorter list of threads to trawl through.
3. Use Google. If you wanted to search for 'Synchronar', go to Google and type 'Synchronar' (thanks Rewolf :-D ). Click on the thread of interest, and it'll take you to the old site, which is disabled. In the URL field at the top of your browser, change the '' bit to '', leaving everything else the same. Press 'Enter'.

I hope this helps Peter.
I'm pretty sure Hanno is still trying to fix the search function in the forum.
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Re: synchronar posts

Post20 Feb 2012, 22:05

hi andrew, thanks for the tips. what i don't understand is why all the posts from 2006 back to 2004 are still there. the "dig thru" option is pretty much a huge amount of time spent and so is option #2. some of the posters are no longer there. it was a lot easier before. hopefully Hanno can bring it all back together. :-D peter
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Re: synchronar posts

Post21 Feb 2012, 22:42

charger105 wrote:3. Use Google. If you wanted to search for 'Synchronar', go to Google and type 'Synchronar' (thanks Rewolf :-D ). Click on the thread of interest, and it'll take you to the old site, which is disabled. In the URL field at the top of your browser, change the '' bit to '', leaving everything else the same. Press 'Enter'.
A classic example of why this site should be running off it's own URL. Actually several no-no's to this whole thing.

1. Site's that redirect to a totally different URL are degraded within the search engines - how can that practice be differentiated from some other malicious practice? It can't and Google et al. doesn't try. So Father Time is simultaneously eroding both the and the S&S urls ranking. Incrementally.
2. Google had those pages and many search terms ranked and set for searching - they have been dis-associated from the original URL.

:idea: The kindest, gentlest thing to do would be to save the current forum on it's own separate server space, restart this forum from scratch with the categories named exactly the same as the old forum. THat is the only way to not dis-associate them from their categories. Bring the site online using the old database and then copy the threads from the current database - unfortunately this would have to be done by hand.....a few hours work. Or discard what has occurred in the last 6-7 weeks. Versus losing the last 6-7 years.

Then the categories could be renamed. Thoughts of crushing two or more categories together should be slept on for several days or weeks. Maybe months. Some of this is, imo, a language issue also - the vast majority of those who come here speak English. The categories were quite definitive in the English language. Bummer, never expected this. Sorry guys. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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Re: synchronar posts

Post22 Feb 2012, 03:09

:cry: peter
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Re: synchronar posts

Post23 Feb 2012, 15:00

The Search function on the forum now works correctly Peter.
You should be able to find whatever you want now, quickly and easily :-D

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Re: synchronar posts

Post23 Feb 2012, 18:58

:-D :-D :-D 8-) peter

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