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bust module?

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bust module?

Post08 Jan 2008, 17:14

hi all!

i recently got an old led calculator watch. when i tried it though, the number keys did not work at all. i took the module out, had a look, but could not see anything that might be causing a problem.

now when i try the watch, several bars of the display DO NOT light up anymore!! :cry: i think i have broken something for sure!!

the module is dead forever right?



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: bust module?

Post08 Jan 2008, 17:38

Based on your post under "Pulsar", I am assuming it's the Pulsar Calculator mentiioned there, if so . . .

I am very sorry to tell you this but you have probably whipped the wire bonds off the display area. The calculator model is the only Time Computer model that had an exposed wire bond display. This is why when you open the caseback you see the label that says “Do Not Remove Module”!

To be honest, I think we have all done this, some luckier than others when by chance, didn’t happen to grab the module by the display area. I have fixed a few wire bonds with epoxy but if you have damaged too many, it would be best to have the wire bonds replaced . . . not easy to find somebody.




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: bust module?

Post08 Jan 2008, 17:53

yes.. it is the euro.. i broke it just mins after i made that post in the pulsar section :( i feel truly sick lol!!

i v had a 901 and that had “Do Not Remove Module” on the inside case.. but the euro had nothing. stupid me.

i rested the module face down on a material surface for like 3 seconds.. re assembled it, and that lead to missing display lights. so for sure, i have broken at least one or two wire bonds.

at least its a lesson learnt.. fairly expensive lesson unfortunately! :) i wont be doing anything like that again thats for sure!

thanks mate!! i will be taking a good look at the module to see if i can find out how many bonds have gone.




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: bust module?

Post08 Jan 2008, 18:12

well the digit numbers for the calculator work now! woo hoo!!!

...but i cant get a single complete '8' out of on any of the digit displays.. cant believe it...

dont suppose anyone knows somewhere i can get wire bonds replaced lol?

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: bust module?

Post08 Jan 2008, 19:20

I hope you can fix your module and here are a few tips.

If you have (or find somebody who can lend you) a stereo microscope, preferably 30x-40x, inspect and locate all damaged wire bonds that need repair. Mix up some conductive epoxy and carefully apply it to the damaged wire bond. The wires are very soft aluminum so they are very flimsy. The bonds are “Wedge” bonds, made under pressure utilizing ultrasonic energy so they will come loose if you touch them.

I use a very small needle to apply the epoxy (under the microscope) but keep in mind, it is very tedious work. If you do not have a steady hand, do not attempt this, as you will do more damage. Once you have completed the repairs and have tested the module, consider applying a drop of clear epoxy on each bond to stabilize the connections.

Good Luck!




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: bust module?

Post08 Jan 2008, 20:07

looking at the full display (with all number 8 digits entered), there are 14 missing segments!! my god!! so that means 14 broken bonds? im not sure if i will be able to manage all that!!

i certainly will be trying my damndess to sort it though, including trying to get hold of a microscope and repair as you described. failing that, if a module doesnt come up in the next year, i will have to sell it for parts... its a beauty too... oh well.

thanks again mate! :)




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: bust module?

Post09 Jan 2008, 00:05

he does wire bond repairs
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: bust module?

Post17 Jan 2008, 17:46

beside Ed, wire-bond repairs are also done by (correct me if I'm wrong):
Pete ( )
me ( )
and others whose websites I don't recall.

if by any chance the same segment is missing on all digits, then you will most likely have to open the module and do even more difficult repairs:

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