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Happy and sad ??

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Happy and sad ??

Post28 May 2006, 19:05

today, (a Sunday- day of rest etc) i spent the morning working on my attic extension, things went well, i was pleased, later on i went outside, mowed the garden, it looks good, i was pleased. I came inside, took a shower, washed off the rockwool, got dressed and then (highlight of a good day) put on my Omega TC2. Now why should that be the highlight of the day? The more i try to analyse, the less sense it makes. A very good friend of mine refers to my collection as " Austin Powers watches", , a guy in work was in fits of derision when he realised you had to press a button to tell the time, my wife throws a strop when she realises i have covertly worn one out on a night out with her and thinks this forum is especially sad-"full of sad anoraks" i believe was the statement.This must mean i'm happy and sad!
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Re: Happy and sad ??

Post28 May 2006, 20:22

I think you either love these watches or just dont get what wearing an individual watch is all about. I often work abroad with a friend of mine and at night when we go out ill wear either a 70's LED or one of my spaceman watches, i have recieved many comments of intrest from people ive met much to the disgust of my friend whos ?1500 TAG watch goes unnoticed (about the cost of my entire collection),it just goes to show anybody can go to the jewellers and buy an expensive watch but who really cares! I just love wearing something individual whatever peoples thoughts are, youre guaranteed to get a reaction good or bad.




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Re: Happy and sad ??

Post29 May 2006, 11:18

Agreed. The reaction from my Fitron has ranged from "wow" to outright burst of laughter. My brothers wife hates it yet her husbands tag which cost her ?650 just looks utterly anonymous to me. I would never spend that money on a watch that looks just like any ?80 apart from the manufactors name. (I believe that virtually all high end watchs are machine produced anyway, so it's not like they're special either, just mass produced watches like the cheapos). At least mine is individual and eye catching (hopefully just like me :wink: ) Watches are jewellery nowadays so make a statement with it. As someone who is never going to get piercings this is my only chance to make a statement.

PS my wife thinks its tacky and cost too much which strangely is what I think about her handbags. Her tissot has cost at least 6 times more in repairs over the years but I'm too much of a gentleman to point this out to her...... :D My son and daughter (5 and 2) just adore it though, they can't press the button enough. Future converts methinks.......
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Re: Happy and sad ??

Post29 May 2006, 14:59

I only wear LED watches. The younger generation all think it is "cool" and want to know where they can get one. They think it is something futuristic even today.

My wife doesn't understand. She doesn't care that I wear them, but thinks the whole collecting part is silly. And like many of you who are married, I don't say anything about the new purse she comes home with every week.

Some people will say, "you mean you have to push that button every time you want to know what time it is? "But the majority of people really don't care one way or the other. They will often say that it looks cool and then never give it another moment of thought.

I'm a bodybuilder, so I am used to getting stared at. People often try to psychoanalyze that too--do you lift weights because you are compensating for some insecurity in your life? Before exercising became popular, total strangers would come up to me and say things that were outright rude. If I made a rude comment back, I would get ?you see, those bodybuilders are all a bunch of bullies?. I learned not to respond to those comments. I stopped caring what others thought of me a long time ago. Whether your hobby is LED watches, or something else, it only matters that you enjoy it.

Administrator's note: bodybuilding discussion has been split off into this thread.




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Re: Happy and sad ??

Post29 May 2006, 15:49

Right said, HD.

This is a non-problem. Doing something just to be different is a nonsense. Fearing others' comments is a nonsense as well. Back in '76, when I got my first LED, it was normal. Fashion has changed but I liked the style back then and always had a LED from that time on. I'm too old to worry about what others think of a watch. There are much bigger things in which is important to compare each and every point of view. Watches are not among them, for me. As many other, if not all, the objects that we choose to own. If I like something that's enough, and if no one else does it's the same - and if another million like the same thing is the same as well.

An open mind is a rare item, today.
So rare that even the smallest detail like a "strange and different" watch becomes laughing matter. Usually laughs come from ignorance - and we all know where ignorance can lead, right?

Life is short. Own what you like, if you can afford it.

Al. :D

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