Hi Andrew,
I need to know how to set the minutes and date. I figured out how to set the hours, month and DOW. Also, I don't know if there's a timing adjustment on these ones. If you could help out, that would awesome!
This module was not an easy one to work on. The traces for the SC and the right side reed switches practically disappeared. I had to solder to what was left of the trace for the switches, and I drilled through the board to get to the trace on the underside for the SC.
The module is a little finicky, figuring out the settings I got weird things showing up on the display, but it shows time/date/seconds fine.
After all this time, I finally got a MkIII working.

The MkI/IIs are much more robust.
charger105 wrote:I've got a MkIII manual, but not in soft-copy format.
Do you want to know anything specific ?