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P2 Pulsar stamped case query

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P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post03 Jul 2007, 22:44

I have a quick query, i picked up an nice worn GF P2 but my attention keeps being drawn to the small stamped Pulsar on the case

Can anyone shed some light on this please. I have searched the usual places for a comparison picture but all I can find is the larger font type.

Other information that might help is the clasp is stamped Champion & the
sn is 171825

smaller font...

...compared to this (which is what I am familiar with)

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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post03 Jul 2007, 23:59

Hi Likky

Theres a time and a place for eveything and I wouldnt ask any questions about 'fonts' right now, wait another five years or so :lol:




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Re: : P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post04 Jul 2007, 00:04

leddwatch wrote:Hi Likky

Theres a time and a place for eveything and I wouldnt ask any questions about 'fonts' right now, wait another five years or so :lol:

Ye I know, gulp, I took care to in throw in words like 'stamped' and 'case' in the subject title :lol:
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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post04 Jul 2007, 01:44

You could ask Bruce Wegmann about this for a definitive answer (he's our resident expert in this area), but I believe the GF cases had the smaller size stamping and the stainless had the larger. :)
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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post17 Jul 2007, 16:25

GF and SS cases were made by different suppliers (if I remember correctly) as they required different technology. GF is not very easy to make.
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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post19 Jul 2007, 22:47

Not correct; all P2 cases came from a single source...Star Watch case Co. The P2 had been out of production for more than a year by the time demand forced Time Computer to engage a second [Swiss] casemaker. There are Swiss-made cases for the P3, Classic, Big Time, Dress, and Ladies' Touch-Command [and possibly a few others; all apparently in stainless steel only...I cannot recall seeing a GF Swiss-made case; apparently Time Computer kept virtually all GF manufacturing at Star]. Logo lettering on the SS cases comes in two height variations, also, both larger than that on the GF cases. The smaller lettering on the GF cases is the rule, rather than the exception.




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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post19 Jul 2007, 23:12

Thank you all for the responses

Just when i thought I was getting the hang of it... Along comes another Pulsar and I end up with 10 more questions than i started out with! :lol:

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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post20 Jul 2007, 00:33

Lots of variations of these watches out there, some only recently seen or reported [a critical fact which seems to have escaped many of the participants in another "discussion" raging on another part of this Forum]. Different "runs" of parts by the same manufacturer, or different manufacturers, create a host of variations, none of which can be pointed to as the "one, true" Pulsar [of any given model]. With ever-more collectors looking at ever-smaller details on their watches, I'm certain we will continue to see more of this. I have a friend who has been working on high-end analogs for over 25 years [Rolex, Patek, Vacheron, Cartier, and the like, and he tells me he sees the same sort of things; small variations in dial and movement markings...details an owner would never notice, unless he had multiple watches to line up and examine simultaneously]. We could easily stray into dangerous ground if we start using normal manufacturing variances to determine whether a watch, or part, is "real" or not.
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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post21 Jul 2007, 12:50

^ what a load of old bollocks ^ are you on commission with these fake crystals or what? everyone knows they're fake, why do you keep trying to throw doubt in with your bullshit?




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Re: : P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post21 Jul 2007, 14:17

richard_uk wrote:^ what a load of old b******* ^ are you on commission with these fake crystals or what? everyone knows they're fake, why do you keep trying to throw doubt in with your B*****?

Note: I have only changed the language so I can refer to the quote

Nice language and the only reason for my reply.

I have read all the responses to my question as you don't specify. I don't see any reference to screens!
Reading Bruce's post gave me another Q. Should I measure the two P3 cases i have as i am sure visually they are different sizes.

The post by Bruce(I presume you must be referring to this) to my initial question has given me enough reason, and not to feel stupid, is to purchase Vernier Calipers as it confirms to me that I could be right, so i will go and check them first, and report back.

I have spent the 1st 15 years of work in manufacturing and have witnessed everything mentioned and was nodding in agreement as i read the post - not once did i think of screens, and still don't.

it's parallel to playing vinyl records backwards looking for those mystery messages.

If there is a contribution that's relevant to this thread - then why don't you check out Fleabay as there's a GF P2 with a large logo on the case now that's a positive contribution to this thread.

At no point in my post do i show an opinion about screens, if you see anything that could be seen as an opinion is purely accidental.
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Re: : P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post21 Jul 2007, 21:08

bruce wegmann wrote:...details an owner would never notice, unless he had multiple watches to line up and examine simultaneously]. We could easily stray into dangerous ground if we start using normal manufacturing variances to determine whether a watch, or part, is "real" or not.

I'd agree that nobody mentioned those crystals "specifically", but it could be assummed that this was a backhanded reference to same. If so, I can only say I have well over 100 Pulsars in my possession to compare those glasses to, in addition to the 19 that passed over my bench as repair jobs just this past week. I've been examining every glass [ neurotically?] - no flat printed one's like Simon sold.

On the subject of normal manufacturing tolerences, I have had no response to my assertation that factory Pulsar and Hamilton glass varies less than .001" in thichness, but the glass in question varies by.-.002-.005", and in a few cases even more near the edge.

Bringing in these side issues without reasonable documentation, examination or pictures, diminishes the credibility of all erstwhile "experts". :(

Swearing doesn't help press one's point - but I understand the passion. :lol: This subject has [unfortunately] got us all as jumpy as a cat at a dog show.

Vernier calipers - Helios(German made) are probably some of the finest you could buy. A pair that reads in US. inches and Metric is very helpful, and saves you from making calculations for conversions. :) Be sure to get a pair that reads both inside and outside - the rod that comes out the end is for measuring depth. - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post22 Jul 2007, 01:38

Apologies for crapping on your thread Liquid, and for the bad language, it was a gut reaction to Bruce's comment "We could easily stray into dangerous ground if we start using normal manufacturing variances to determine whether a watch, or part, is "real" or not." which was obvioulsy in reference to the fake crystals, he must have either played a part in the manufacture of these crystals or invested an awful lot of money in purchasing some :?
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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post23 Jul 2007, 22:12

Alright, Dick, that's as far as you're going. You just crossed a very serious and dangerous line, and since polite replies to fools like you are the intellectual equivalent to pissing into the wind, I'm going to spell it out for you [and I apologize for NOTHING that follows]. You need to take a long, deep breath, sit your fat ass down, and shut the f-ck up. I've been tired of Dennis' bullshit for the last two years, and this steaming hot patty from you puts it over the top. I have absorbed as much abuse as I intend to, both from him, and chimers-in like you. How f-cking DARE YOU accuse me of conspiracy to commit a crime, when there's no evidence a crime's been committed? "Everyone knows they're fake" one thought any such thing, until Dennis stirred up this hornets' nest, and convinced Ed and others that they had been the victims of some nefarious plot. Everyone used to know the earth was flat, and was the center of the universe, and that circumcision was the best thing that could happen to you; I'm not impressed with what "everyone knows". As for the money angle, I have NO financial interest here, and have only the six specimens sent to me for examination [and there's going to be more on that, too, believe me!]. So here's the drill, pal. I want an immediate, heartfelt, and believeable [yeah, you better make me believe you just shot your mouth off, just to watch the air move around, and wish to God you hadn't done it] apology, or every post you've made on this and the other thread, is going into the shitpile where it belongs. So, if you want to behave some some goddam jihadist, who reads restraint or silence as weakness or guilt, I'm here to tell you, you got one hell of wrong number this time. Little Richard wants to play with the big boys...fine, welcome to the adult world. You are playing with fire here, and if you persist, you will find the fire is VERY hot, and you are going to be terribly burned. BTW, I make this reply public, because the accusation was public. I am the injured party here, and I think that bought me this air time. Your turn...clock's ticking...make it good.
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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post23 Jul 2007, 22:57

Bruce - Dennis didn't convince ME, I convinced Dennis. I am the one who discovered this problem with that glass, and Dennis has only been supportive. I realize you have an ax to grind with him(Dennis), but this is not the time, place or thread for that - send the man a private email if you have something to get off your chest with him.

You are going to send Richard's posts to the shitpile? - are you smoking some kind of toxic f'ing dope in California? You have no permission, authority or position to do anything of the kind. YOU ARE AT STRIKE 2.99 - sit the hell down, shut the f' up and wait for the bad air to pass. Life will continue.

6 pieces of the glass, sent to you by Simon, is a really small sampling that may have been hand selected to throw you off - understand I am giving YOU the benefit of f'ing doubt here. A crime WAS committed - decide which side of the ethical, logical and emotional line you want to be on.

Richard - please, do not apologize, but do not stir it with MR. Wegman any further(not a warning, just a polite request that this simmer down a bit below gunfight level.

Bruce - you have a lot of valuable knowledge in your head, but you need to put it to use for good.
After this outburst I have to revoke your moderator status - your credibility is shot. :cry:

You need to read the VERY TOP POSTING of this forum " Site Admin.'s Statement - How I see this place functioning best." - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post23 Jul 2007, 23:55

Hey guys,

I'm just coming back from holidays and try to read the post from the past 3 weeks and I 'm wondering what's wrong with you all???

The forum should be a FRIENDLY place where people share opinions and informations and even if one doesn't agree there should be no place for insults , menaces or private emails revealing!

Bruce think that the crystals are real , I think he is wrong but I'm sure he is honnestly convinced they may be real.

Yes they are probably fake but they make perfect P2 timescreen for less money that I sold some a few month ago and for less money than I get them from a Cornering engeneer.

So it's not a big deal and don't be afraid to see fake Tiffany's on the market because the printing is so bad that in a year or so they'll be erased!

I implore all of you to calm down stop the personal agressions and focus on LED watch only!


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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post24 Jul 2007, 01:55

Nerds shouldnt get angry,it just looks ridiculous.
I?m losing my edge!
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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post24 Jul 2007, 02:05

No worries ed there was no way I'd apologise to this egotistical id1ot, "play with the big boys" :lol: so what you buy a load of sg Pulsars and Grimas and now you're a "big boy"? pathetic.

P.S. I don't have a fat ass, my name is not Dick, and I'm not your pal.
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: P2 Pulsar stamped case query

Post24 Jul 2007, 03:37

8) 8) PLEASE - let us take a breather from this controversy. I don't like that I lost my cool with Bruce and from speaking with Bruce I think he isn't happy he got so up in arms. If this must be continued it will have to start on a new thread...I'm going to close this one but NOT delete it. :oops:

I just spent hours changing up the look of the forum a little to refresh is dissapointing when we collectively get so far away from the fun and excitement. :shock:

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