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The New Time Computer

Discussion on MODERN LED, LCD, OLED and E-INK watches
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Re: The New Time Computer

Post09 May 2006, 22:55

Yeah great movie, didnt somebody actually die in that movie? the helicopter part, cant remember




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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 00:46

My main criticism, is the price and the way in which the superb legacy of the Pulsar Time computer watch has been attempted to be replicated or continued with such an inappropriate watch compared with the original range!

I congratulate ALL the collectors and enthusiast who have / are developing retro modern LED watches? While I am a critic ( as a collector) I also admire the courage and expense these people have put up in this process..

With regards to the "Inverta" watch... I wish it every sucess !





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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 01:19

Hello all.
The TC is reborn and I've finally decided to join this forum. Great place for collectors and everyday wearers, like me.

What can I say? Dennis wrote me just a few weeks before the release of his watch, and he told me he was trying to do something different. I think he definitely made something different, and this alone was a huge task.
The design is obviously subjective, and I don't personally like asymmetrical design in a watch, but I've accepted it in the new TC because it is...well, daring. It has a lot of useful features, and something else that maybe is not-so-useful, but with today's technology is easy to incorporate a function that probably you'll use just once in a lifetime. Doesn't this happen in ALL electronic consumer products? I find Dennis tastefully stood away from most gimmicks, and came up with a watch that will find its way in my collection. Why it's considered not collectible? It is, just because it comes from a guy that loves LED watches like the rest of us, and decided to spend time and money to resurrect a glorious name. Who 30 years ago (or even 15, for that matter) would have considered collectible a LED watch? They were seen like a fad, but time has brought back the great examples. Even the price is reasonable, if you consider the materials and detail level involved. I personally still have to accept the new "single LED segment" display, but come on, it's 2006 - whoever wants a dot matrix display can just buy a '73 P2 on eBay...

Personally, I'm happy that the Time Computer name has been resurrected, and I look forward to own this watch and see its (possible) evolution, in the future. I'd rather have a new TC than 1000 Seiko-built Pulsars. I wish Dennis good luck on this project.

Just my opinion.
Al. :D




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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 02:10

As for Original L.E.D matrix,single chip segments,wire bonded,hand made and built to last displays,you forgot to mention the Synchronar models from the early prototypes of 1969-72 and models made in each and every year since.
Excluding ofcourse 2005 the year in which the inventor passed.
There is noone left on this planet that has endured a lifetime of Hopes and dreams as well as exspense and patience on any digital watch than my 39 years,thats right I was born in 1967 the year in which he first breadboarded a new technology. MY FATHER INVENTED THE DIGITAL WATCH AND MADE IT SOLAR POWERED TO BOOT.HE ALSO IMPROVED APON THE ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY OF TINKERING WITH A TRIMMER CAPACITOR FOR SEMI ACCURATE ADJUSTMENTS 30 years ago with his MK II wich is atleast 5 times more accurate than ANY Trimmer capacitor watch ever made.
The fact is Mr. Crabtree and Mr. Riehl were the forfathers and in no particular order, without them it would have come a year or two later anyway. IMHO
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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 03:14

On the Patent subject: I suspect the patent alluded to is a "design patent" - design patents are issued to differentiate products that function the same, but look different. I am doubtful that any of the features of the TC would meet [one of]the patent office's criteria for a "function patent" - "unobvious to those skilled in the art". The "art" in this case being the construction of electronic devices that report passing clock cycles in the form of a visual display. Functions previously used in simular devices are referred to as "prior art" and are unpatentable. That said, a design patent is still very valuable, as it will[hopefully] keep knock-offs from being made in another country that cooperates in enforcement....China often does not.
:arrow: As mention previously, I worked in the law office of my brother,U.S. Patent attorney John J. Cantarella for 12 years,assisting with the drafting of patent applications.... - Sales of vintage LED, LCD, analog watches, parts and gadgets - repair tutorials & tips
Nov. 2022 - back in business!! BItter divorce is in home stretch, come grabs some great deals, I had to open the safe . . . damn attorneys. piss.
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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 04:37

I never got in to the name thing ie. "Time Computer" But If I think about it I am glad someone like Dennis took it on rather than some overseas company who will make 10 million pieces of junk and ruin the name for ever. We should all be at least a little bit gratefull that this name stayed within this small enthusiastic group and the fact that he really has gone all out to keep within the spirit of the name. I for one love it, of course you all know that by now :oops:

Maybe I am over enthusiastic and hope I did not ruffle any feathers, I love quality and I love things that are inovative and functional. Unfortunately here on my small Island we always got the raw end of the deal when it came to high quality items and latest technology, I truly thank god for Ebay, the Internet and forums like this.

I have no problem wearing something different or unusual as long as it is quality and its functions and ideas have integrity and are not built into it just to save a dollar.

T-Bird - nice to see you on board mate :)

Synchronar - your fathers watch it truly the best LED Watch I have ever seen, It really is on the top of my list so get yer arse into gear and get em out there (Black please)
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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 05:39

It seems to me that people who don't like the design of the Inverta don't like it because it's not a 1970s digital watch design. You know what? The 1970s are over! I for one am ready for something new - and I have been for a long time. I like the larger digits - the small traditional LEDs that you see on every other LED watch are fine, but they haven't changed since the late 1960s!

It's 35 years later and the LED watch has gone nowhere.

Until now.

Digital watches used to be about the future - about reaching out and wrestling the future into the present. About experimentation and innovation. That's what made them so exciting. Maybe some of us have forgotten what it's like to see something new for a change.

I was very excited by the v-tec Alpha when it first came out - it held the promise of being something new and something of high quality. Unfortunately it didn't live up to that promise. The TC Inverta seems to be the only other player in the game.
LED watches are quiet and polite. No ticking, no tocking, no beeping, no buzzing; they will only tell you the time when you ask to see it and they will do so instantly with no attention-seeking animations. A more civilized watch for a more civilized age.




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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 06:18

It's very rare that I see a digital watch today with a style I like. I personally like the styles (more than the mechanics) of the 70's and the modern styles that have the 70's look to them. I think some of the best designs came out of the 60's & 70's with the electronic and mechanical digitals and I still haven't seen a completely redesigned digital watch that has the wow factor I'm looking for.

I stated I liked the TC and I'll keep it as that but I will say, if this is a something that is completely new and not retaining anything from the 70's, then why do you have to push a button, or move your wrist to tell the time? In the grand scheme of modern digital watches, that is not a step forward.

For me, the way a watch looks is more important than the functions it has.

By the way, LED watches with large digits have been available for sometime, starting with the Citizen "Independent" LED watch, which came out about 4 years ago. I also like the bigger digits on the TC. In fact, I don't think I've seen anyone complain about that.

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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 06:54

I think TC has taken on a huge task of trying to be in both worlds. If you read some of the other forums PPL are saying what would you like to see in a New LED watch. There are thousands of new and different watches which are designed free of any real constraints.

This watch is a mixture of both era's and that is what I think is so great about it, I think it would have been a very hard watch to design considering the limitations and expectations of the intended purchaser. Of course why not just put a dial on it or LCD with backlight and be done with it, I have always looked at my LED watches and wished I had one with extra features which would bring it in to the 21st century but still retain my LED passion.

Let me explain first of all why I love LED's so much, there is no other watch out there that will light up like fire when you press that button or just look at it. LCD to me is plain boring, dials are great but again they dont inspire me even though I have a few. When I press the button on an old Pulsar I know I have sent an electrical signal to a group of small LED Lights that will burn ever so brightly and tell me the time and I do this so often its not funny, call me crazy but I love strolling over to my glass cabinet and pushing buttons just to see the red lights.

For me its the bright lights that are so appealing, even if I have to change batteries once a year. Its like owning an old V8 Mustang with heaps of Grunt and drinks you out of house and home, sure you have to put up with slippery vinal seats, 3 speed auto and no CD player but man its fun to drive.

I think backlit LCD is a dull rip off (the ones made to look like LED)
I don't like Plastic Crystals because they get dull and there is nothing like watching these LEDs fire up behind high quality glass.




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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 15:42

Hi Andy - it really is a plaesure for me to join this community.

As for the Synchronar, I have no doubt about it. Roger Riehl was so ahead of his time that still his creations are not universally recognized. Personally, I consider the Synchronar THE led watch, ingenious and intended to last forever.

The new Inverta: I really agree with Dot (BTW, great site!). It's 2006, and now LED watches are built differently. Period.
I like the '70s style watches, and they're my choice. But I want to recognize the excellence of something that is made today with the style of today. No easy "retro-looks" to fool anyone. If you buy a new TC you know you're buying a new product. You'll never buy one just because can't afford a classic. Dennis has made a watch that just says "I'm honest" so I really wish him good luck. And again, I agre with Dot when he says that if you're looking for fidelity to original concepts Dennis' creation fills the bill, because LED watches meant the future, in a period (the '70s) when everything seemed possible - and it probably was. There's always space for reissues, but hitting the market with a completely new product is the right way to start, in my opinion.

Ah, Andy... Yes I know what you mean. I have a LED watch on my wrist since 1976, and I'm not tired yet. There's something magic. Like a V8. :D




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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 16:33

Can't stay away from this thread as much as I would like too!! I could not agree more with what T-Bird wrote in the previous post, especially.

"No easy "retro-looks" to fool anyone. If you buy a new TC you know you're buying a new product. You'll never buy one just because can't afford a classic."

This is exactly right.

Also, totally agree with Dot Matrix and Andyz4000 posts - wish I could have said it as well as they have.

Can't wait till I recieve the two I already ordered, blue and green. I must say I am tempted to also go for the red one, now thinking - do I wait till I receive the first two or just go for it. Decisions Decisions




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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 16:58

Welcome aboard T-bird,I didn't mean any offense to you or anyone.Sometimes I have to break out my boots when things get too distorted thats all. Are you the gentlmen from Italy that asked if I could send a magnet to?
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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 17:08

Hi Simon,

I already own the four Pulsars which I DO like; namely the SS P2, 14KGF P2, SS Date II 3230 and the Sports 3502. As a matter of personal preference, I do not like the style of any of the other Pulsars and would not buy one regradless of price. I also have other vintage LED's which I personally like in my collection.

This new TC is exactly what I was looking for in a new LED watch - Innovation / Great Design and High Quality. I do realize what makes up great design / quality is strictly in the eyes of the beholder and respect each individuals perspective. My preference in Pulsars and your opinion on the TC may be different but that is what makes the world interesting!!!




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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 17:48


While I dont agree with the design and quality comments you make on the New Time Computer.. I do agree with you on the fun aspect of collecting and the diverse designs, available predominantly in LED watches..

Perhaps you can post some pictures and give us a detailed report when you get them.

You have some nice Pulsar's there too !


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dot matrix

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Re: The New Time Computer

Post10 May 2006, 21:40

Guys, I'm closing this thread because it's gotten pretty long and I think it has run its course.

If you want to keep on discussing the watch, or any other issues, please start a new appropriate thread in which to do so.

LED watches are quiet and polite. No ticking, no tocking, no beeping, no buzzing; they will only tell you the time when you ask to see it and they will do so instantly with no attention-seeking animations. A more civilized watch for a more civilized age.

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